Today was DAY ONE - For some crazy reason, I thought I would start the challenge off with a bang. 6AM CLASS! Get the first one done and over with! Like a band-aid kinda thing. I had a crazy Monday of work and then my work share shift at the studio, so by the time I got home and caught up with work emails, it was a late night getting to bed. Needless to say, I was quite the sleepy head for my first class. Every savasana, I was fighting to keep my eyes from closing! I'm sure Colleen (the wonderful instructor this morning; who told me she's never been happier than when she was doing 30 day challenges) got tired just looking at me yawn all class! SORRY! Although in locust pose, I'm pretty sure this is what I looked like (or at least it felt that way), since my elbows were tingling like crazy!
After class, I felt like a little girl in school again posting that STAR STICKER next to my name on the chart I made during my workshare shift. How funny that something so small (and rather silly) can be such a big motivator? Last night, there was 3 of us on that chart, and during tonight's workshare shift, Jasmine recruited 7 more! It seems what started as a personal goal has now turned into a mini-studio challenge! Even more motivation and good energy to pass around!
I'm excited to see how I plan to fit classes into my life everyday - Warning to friends and family: my best friend is now the hot room. Stay tuned to read of my ups and downs in the next 30 days, this might get messy!
*sidenote to self: buy a new yoga towel! a potential 10 class reward? i think so :)
Haha, love it! Jasmine has now made a poster advertising the 30-day Challenge. It'll go up in the studio today - maybe we'll get a few late starters!