the day was not starting off well. i woke up with a sinking feeling in my stomach knowing i had not only one class to get through but TWO. two classes on a saturday morning. normally friday evening i console myself with the fact there is only one more. one more. then my body would be free to rest. but this saturday was different. i had a make-up class to do. my freedom seemed so far away with two classes ahead of me.
the first class was HELL. im not kidding. if ever someone was to wonder what hell is like, any teacher trainee from spring 2012 would have the answer. i don't know what happened. maybe we had gotten used to the heat and they decided to "up the ante" on us? maybe we expected an easy breezy class for a saturday morning? either way - it knocked us all down to perma dead body pose state. at one point i remember thinking "im not even free after this...i still have another class...i just want out..." and broke down right then and there during rabbit pose.
long story short - i managed to survive both classes that morning. with angela banach by my side during the second one. she chose to do the make up class with me VOLUNTARY - we had both arrived to a posture clinic at the same time and for some reason i got a makeup class and she didn't. she said "no, we do it together. if you're late. i am late also". i was so thankful to have her there next to me - rocking and smiling the whole way through. at the end she said "yes girl - no one will steal our peace. we are better. it's done. we are better"....she was right. i was the winner for not letting the unfairness of my makeup class situation get the better of me. and you know what? we complete 98 classes here at teacher training. my total would be 99 now. so i decided why not make it 100? looks like i'll be doing a voluntary makeup class of my own one saturday morning :)
funny how quick our body and mind can forget the pain we just endured. soon after my torturous morning i was poolside with my fruit smoothie enjoying the california sun with my yogi friends - later that afternoon i took a well deserved nap and spent the early evening in bed with norah jones soothing my soul. and if that couldn't get any better - a group of us went over to santa monica pier to see the super moon and discover a little piece of this large city called LA.
what a fun night. a parisien. two canadian girls. two san fran ladies. and a swedish boy. on a rollercoaster ride over the ocean under the super moon california sky. eating frozen yogurt and laughing all the way home in a beast of a truck.
pleasure really does taste that much sweeter when there is pain...
"when you have gone so far
that you can't manage one more step, then you've just gone half the
distance that you're capable of." (thank you heather macdonald for sending me this xo)
im tired and this post could go on forever - really so much more to say but sometimes less is more. today i bought a candle. a massive tea mug. and a "little pink book" to keep my thoughts. all three are on my night table along with gifts from home and pictures of loved ones. my hotel room feels a little bit more like home tonight...xx
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