DAY NINE: This girl has got a bad attitude.
I don't know what it was, but I had negative mind chatter right from the get-go. I have no idea why - I went into class with an open heart and open mind - but as soon as we began our breathing exercise - BOOM - negative nancy. It was so frustrating. My mind literally was acting like a 10 year old BRAT - whining through every posture. I didn't want to do this posture - I didn't want to hold that position - I didn't want to lock my freakin' knee! Somehow my body just ignored it all and pushed through the entire standing series. But as soon as it was over and we got our first savasana - I had to leave the room because I needed an attitude change. I grabbed a vitamin water - sat on the couch - and almost cried. It had nothing to do with the heat or that I was struggling - it was all in my mind - just nasty negativity.
I decided to leave all of it right there on the couch and get back into the hot room for the floor series - and as I was walking in - Colleen was giving a speech on negative mind chatter! I swear she must have seen it in my eyes that I was loosing my mind that whole time. So - I let it all go - breathed in and out and brought my knee to my shoulder for wind-removing pose. SMOOTH SAILING for the rest of class.
After class I rushed home to get rid of my yoga hair and get ready for Jo's Birthday Dinner at ABSINTHE restaurant in Westboro - (yup i figured out how to insert links!). It was so nice to see all those girlies again! I ordered hanger steak (since i never cook myself red meat) and it was DELISH. The other meals looked so yummy too - I'm definitely going back. PLUS - the waiter didn't charge me for one of my glasses of vino - woot woot. (normally, I would say something, but my bill was already 60 dollars people! i'm not rich ya know)
Anyways, I went home a lil tipsy and had a great night sleep! It's now DAY TEN and I'm off to class in a few hours - blog to follow! xo
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