i mean - i have moments where i tell myself "share this" or "post this" after a class or lecture. but then the free time comes around and i use it up so quickly and much more productively than lying here writing about it. it's all in my head and at the end of the days i believe that's enough. but now its sunday and i've already forgotten certain moments and how they made me feel! and since we are almost through dialogue and done with anatomy - i have the chance to have a normal - lazy - unproductive sunday night. what will that involve? television - pizza - laundry - and blogging :)
another week come and gone too quick. this is all coming to an end much too quickly. i miss parts of my life back in the "real world" but i'm loving life in the bubble. the friends i've made and the teachers i've learned from. the moments we've shared and the places we've seen. the sunshine and the cold nights. the shopping and the beaches. even the bollywood movies and bikram stories. and can't forget the torture chamber and the posture clinics. every. little. thing. i'll never have all this back again. so please slow it all downnnnnnn. (but hurry up so i can return home to loved ones)
things i've started missing this week (in no particular order)
montreal bagels and cream cheese
my apartment
what did i learn about in week 6? FASCIA baby - FASCIA. everything revolves around the FASCIA. haha. this will only be funny to people here in the bubble. but jon burras (yoga therapist) talked the FASCIA to death during his two day lecture with us. however - he opened our eyes to so much truth. i finally learned (in depth) about the seven chakras and the three columns of energy rotation and running through our bodies. i loved that part of his talk. i took so many random notes and scribbles - too many to share. actually never mind - looking over them - there's a few i feel the need to post.
belief challenges
how you see the world in your window of perception is how you create your world.
science is only one window of perception.
the chakras are not physical but they affect the physical. sacred centers of consciousness.
the language of sport has become the language of war.
emotion is energy in motion.
emotional release vs emotional indulgence. dump your buckets daily.
you don't have to let it out to the world to get it out.
live a life where relaxation is NORMAL.
if you continue to follow the same model. you will get the same results. CHANGE YOUR MODEL.
when you stop wanting - you start dying.
there are classes you take you wish would never end. friday night was just that. we were taught by our favorite staff member - balwan. the most lovable and kind person you will ever meet. you should have heart the cheering and clapping for him when heading towards the podium. i grabbed my mat and ran down my line to get closer to him. i wanted to feel his smile for the next 90 minutes. god he was amazing. such a genuine class - this was camel pose "look up and back at the stars. this is what it feels like to fall in love. you are falling in love with yourself."
some posture changes (that i have forgotten to write about)
week three i touched my fingers to my toes in triangle pose for the first time. this was during emmy's triangle pose clinic. i now fall out of triangle every time (thanx emmy). but i get back in and touch the toes again and again. i now touch my forehead to a locked knee in standing separate leg head to knee pose (but this never happens in the morning classes). in standing bow i can almost see my shoulder coming over the top of my head in the mirror - leg is still not anywhere near straight though? this posture is my nemesis. i'm jumpin into a headstand after every class - months ago my friend wes had to help me up and hold me there - now my legs lift up easy and stay still forever. splits are getting better and better - my goal? get the crotch to the floor.
this yoga bubble is my sacred place. my mat is my sanctuary. this journey of exploration and transformation is expanding my mind and opening my heart.
hmm think im back to loving the blog again....